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256 Bars Closed, 9,760 People Arrested For Flouting Covid-19 Rules – IG Mutyambai

256 bars have been shut down since police started enforcing the Covid-19 protocols as directed by President Uhuru Kenyatta last Wednesday, Inspector General of Police Hillary Mutyambai has said.

Over the same period, 463 motor vehicles have been detained for going against the guidelines.

According to the IG, 9,760 people have been arrested for contravening the guidelines; 6,043 of whom were nabbed for flouting curfew rules while 3,717 others were arrested for not wearing masks.

Read: There Will Be Random Drunk Driving Checks- IG Mutyambai

“As at yesterday, the enforcement of Covid-19 record is as follows: arrested for contravention of curfew orders and related offences are 6043, arrested for failing to wear face masks 3,717, closed bars 256, while the number of detained motor vehicles are 463,” Mutyambai told a local daily.

On November 5, Mutyambai ordered police to start enforcing the 10 pm to 4 am curfew.

In a statement, the IG instructed the officers to enforce the curfew “without fear or favour” and with strict adherence to the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).

He also urged bar and restaurant owners to close businesses at 9 pm.

Read Also: Drama As Police Arrest 86 People Partying At SEBS Bar In Nakuru During Curfew Hours

The National Police, the IG said, will work closely with the National Government Administration officers and County Governments Enforcement Teams to ensure compliance with the health guidelines put in place to combat the spread of Coronavirus.

Those found contravening the said guidelines will be fined Sh20,000 on the spot.

Mutyambai ruled out arrests to avoid congestion in the cells.

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