Activist Mutemi Wa Kiama was on Tuesday night taken into custody by people who identified themselves as police officers.
The group of about five men who said they are detectives from Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI), broke into Kiama’s house in Dagoretti after he refused to open and demanded a warrant of arrest, which they didn’t produce.
The individuals didn’t produce any documents to prove their identity either.
Kiama streamed the incident live on Facebook and the video ended with one of them forcefully taking his phone.
It pains that @DCI_Kenya is busy arresting innocent people to please those who think have the power over us all. #DCILeaveMutemiAlone
— Justice (@PEV_VictimsKE) June 9, 2020
Despite Kiama demanding a reason for his arrest, he did not get any answer.
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Human rights activist Boniface Mwangi confirmed that Kiama was taken to Capitol Hill Police Station where he is being held.
He has been booked for digital pirating of a book.
Kenyans on social media have condemned the incident calling on the DCI to come out clean on Kiama’s violent arrest.
Kenyans on Twitter, popularly known as KoT, have began a hashtag #FreeMutemiKiama while condemning police brutality in the country.
Today’s incident is similar to a dramatic arrest of the outspoken admin of popular Facebook group Buyer Beware, Mildred Atieno, in January this year.
Read Also: Three Police Impostors Charged With Stealing Sh393,000 In Nakuru
Mildred, who was accused of incitement, filmed police officers lobbying teargas into her gated home before arresting her.
Here are some of the reactions:
A Government That Is Paranoid
Must Not Be In Power!#FreeMutemiKiama #DCILeaveMutemiAlone— #NobodyCanStopReggae (@NdungiGithuku) June 9, 2020
If speaking out is breaking the law.why is there freedom of speech………is the law there to be read??? Or to be followed….#Releasemutemikiama @DCI_Kenya #freemutemikiama
— Cj Armstrong KE (@CjArmstrongKE2) June 9, 2020
Friendly officers are saying he is not in Karen, Hardy or Langata Police station. They have no information about an arrest within their jurisdiction.
They also find it suspect that he was arrested in such a manner at night! Via @WanjeriNderu#ReleaseKiama.— Shikoh Kihika (@Shikohkihika) June 9, 2020
#freemutemikiama @DCI_Kenya your goons break someone house in the night,bring him back and his phone
— Mary Muthui {they/them} (@marymuthui1) June 9, 2020
@DCI_Kenya this ain't what law is all about in the constitution there is freedom of speech…our journey ain't tommorow it is now..#Freemutemikiama
— Cj Armstrong KE (@CjArmstrongKE2) June 9, 2020
And infact no Arrest warrant the just broke the door and entered the house even they didn't summon him….. #wewanthimback #freemutemikiama
— Cj Armstrong KE (@CjArmstrongKE2) June 9, 2020
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