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Activists Group Claim IEBC Deducting Raila Votes Giving Them To Uhuru

Civil Rights Group ‘Kura Yangu Sauti Yangu’ group has disputed the presidential results being released by the IEBC.

The opposition has also made similar claims.

, said the results were unconstitutional as they required the 34A forms.

“Since it started announcing results yesterday, the IEBC has not made available, as required by law, copies of form 34A on its public portal,” George Kegoro, group chair said.

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The group claimed that the commission was adding Raila Odinga’s votes to those of Uhuru Kenyatta.

He said that results in Dagoretti North, Langata, Nandi Hill, Kisumu central and Kipchebor polling station in Ainamoi varied from those indicated in the forms.

In Kilimani ward, the form does not record any rejected votes while in the portal there were 4 rejected votes.

He said the form also recorded 508 valid votes while the IEBC portal reports 504.

At South C’s Kewi polling station, 439 votes were recorded on form 34A, the IEBC said 416 votes were recorded.


Raila on Wednesday claimed IEBC’s systems were hacked using the late Chris Msando’s access code.

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