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Ex-Nairobi Diaries Actress Pendo In Court Over Ksh208K Unpaid Bill At A Mombasa Hotel

Actress Pendo at the Shanzu Law Courts in Mombasa on October 9, 2020. [Photo/Courtesy]

Former Nairobi Diaries TV series actress Stacy Vugusta popularly known as Pendo was on Friday arraigned in a Mombasa Court over an unpaid hotel bill amounting to Ksh208,000.

Pendo owes the money to English Point Marina hotel, the complainant in the case.

The Shanzu Court heard that the actress had accumulated a total bill of Ksh330.000 and was only able to raise Ksh145,000.

She committed to clear the balance within two days on September 14.

However, she was not able to clear the bill within the agreed timelines forcing the management to block her from leaving the hotel.

The court was told that two weeks later Pendo was still not able to raise the money and the bill continued to accumulate forcing the management to report her to the police.

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Pendo is said to have checked into the luxurious hotel with an unknown man who later abandoned her.

Appearing before Shanzu Resident Magistrate David Odhiambo, the socialite denied the charges and was freed on Ksh100,000 bond or an alternative cash bail of Ksh30,000.

The magistrate ordered her to pay the bill before March 15, 2021, when the case will be heard next.

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