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Covid-19: Adan Keynan Ordered Out Of Parliament Following Protests

There was drama in the National Assembly as members of parliament protested the presence of Eldas MP Adan Keynan.

Lawmakers wanted Keynan ordered out of the House on grounds that he was in London, recently.

Speaker Justin Muturi was forced to order the MP out.

As of Monday, London had 480 confirmed coronavirus cases. Some 55 people have died in the UK, with 14 being from London.

Kenya on the other hand just confirmed her fourth case of COVID-19. The patient is said to have traveled from London on March 8.

The first case was a woman who traveled from the US via London on March 5.

She developed symptoms eight days later and was quarantined at Kenyatta National Hospital on March 13.

Both Senate and National Assembly will suspend sittings for one month as the coronavirus (Covid-19) scare escalates.

The National Assembly has adjourned sittings until April 14, while the senate has adjourned for 30 days, meaning they will resume on April 16.

Earlier today, Health CS Mutahi Kagwe warned that those coming into the country will be required to sign an agreement indicating that they will self quarantine. Failure to do so will lead to legal action.

“When the Public Health Act has been invoked, quarantine is not a voluntary but a mandatory measure that can lead to a jail sentence,” he said.

Over 175,530 cases of coronavirus have been confirmed globally so far with of 7000 deaths reported.

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