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Hitman Texted Me On Assassination Plot – Alice Wahome

alice wahome

Kandara MP Alice Wahome. [Courtesy]

Kandara MP Alice Wahome still believes her life might still be in danger.

Speaking to Ann Kiguta on Punchline, the legislator revealed that she has since the withdrawal of her security received a text message from a hitman.

In the text, the hitman told Wahome that he had been hired by Nairobi politicians to end her life.

“Yes, in December I received two phone calls. One didn’t go through. When I picked the second one, the caller said he had been asked to kill me,” she said.

Asked if she responded to the message, Wahome answered in the negative.

Read: Kandara MP Alice Wahome Claims There Is Plot To Eliminate Her, Ndindi Nyoro (Video)

“No, what could I say?” she posed.

The Deputy President ally also noted that she reported the matter at Kandara Police Station but there was apparent interference from individuals she did not identify.

Wahome had her security withdrawn on February 3 even after mentioning that she had received death threats.

“My personal security detail has been withdrawn today. I have been receiving threatening phone messages and press conferences have been held to warn me of dire consequences. My life is in danger,” tweeted Wahome.

Read Also: Kandara MP Alice Wahome Claims There Is Plot To Eliminate Her, Ndindi Nyoro (Video)

A week later, the lawmaker who has in the past described President Uhuru Kenyatta as the “biggest threat to Kenya’s economy, democracy, and freedom of expression” sued Interior Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang’i and Inspector General of Police Hillary Mutyambai over the withdrawal of her security.

In her court documents, the vocal lawmaker claims that her security detail was recalled without notice hence hindering her from discharging her duties over fears for her life.

Stating that she has not been linked in any criminal activity to warrant the withdrawal of her bodyguards, the MP linked her woes to recent criticism on Kenyatta’s leadership.

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“The petitioner believes that the arbitrary action and its timing when the petitioner has recently made remarks directed to the government in respect of impunity and bad governance is meant to harass and intimidate the petitioner from the political stand and position she has taken,” read the petition.

In January, Mutyambai warned that Very Important Persons (VIPs) who do not abide by the law would lose their security.

This saw at least three MPs lose their security over crime links.

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