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All Eyes on DPP As EACC Pushes For Waiguru, Kuria Prosecution

Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru and Gatundu South MP Moses Kuria could be guests of the state soon over alleged graft, Kahawa Tungu has learnt.

The Ethics and Anti-corruption Commission (EACC) has recommended graft charges against the duo in separate cases.

Kahawa Tungu has established that the files have already been placed before the Director of Public Prosecutions for further action.

The anti-graft body wants Governor Waiguru arrested and charged for receiving imprests for non-existent travels, allegations that featured prominently in her failed impeachment in June 2020.

Also targeted are senior officers in her administration including Finance Chief Officer Mugo Ndathi.

Also on the EACC radar are acting director administration, director accounting services and assistant director accounting services.

Waiguru is accused of pocketing at least Sh10 million in travel allowances for non-existent trips to United States, United Kingdom, France, Morocco, India, Germany and Abu Dhabi.

Also Read: MP Moses Kuria Makes U-turn on Joining OKA, Settles on Ruto’s Kenya Kwanza Alliance

EACC has also been investigating Waiguru over plans to make irregular payment of Sh52.8 million to a land surveying company for the subdivision of New South Ngariama Scheme in 2006.

The company in question, GeoAcres Survey Limited, belongs to former Kirinyaga Central MP Joseph Gachoki Gitari and Edith Gitari.

The proprietors apparently did not have a contractual agreement with either Kirinyaga County government or the defunct Kirinyaga Municipal Council.

On September 9, after honouring a summon by the anti-graft agency, Waiguru said the said monies were yet to get paid.

“It is now obvious EACC is being used to intimidate us to remain silent even when our political careers are on the line and our supporters tell us otherwise,” she said.

Also Read: “I Take Responsibility,” MP Moses Kuria Says As He Asks DCI To Arrest Stanley Livondo

Waiguru and her co-accused are all likely to face charges of conspiracy to commit an economic crime, abuse of office, false accounting, deception and forgery.

On the other hand, EACC wants Kuria charged over conflict of interest. The MP is alleged to have received Sh3 million through Finishline Construction, a company linked to his brother.

The company is said to have been awarded a tender for construction of a dormitory at Wamwangi Secondary School for Sh12 million by the Ministry of Education.

“Investigations revealed that one of the directors of Finishline Construction is a brother to the MP and the MP was the beneficial recipient of the Sh3 million,” the report by EACC reads.

While Kuria is yet to react to the matter, Waiguru has denied the allegations terming them as a witchhunt over her political alignment.

Also Read: I Could Not Express My Opinion – Governor Waiguru On Why She Ditched Jubilee

She is one of the governors who recently defected to Deputy President William Ruto’s United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party as she seeks to defend her seat.

She previously enjoyed a good working relationship with President Uhuru Kenyatta and ODM leader Raila Odinga who is seeking the presidency under the Azimio la Umoja movement in the August polls.

“This recommendation by EACC is pure politics intended to punish my move to UDA and to send a message to would be defectors as to the false charges that awaits them if they dare,” Waiguru said in a tweet.

Also Read: “Form ni Hustler Mpango ni Bottom Up!” Waiguru Explains Decision to Join UDA

If DPP Noordin Haji approves the graft charges against her she will be barred from accessing her office pending hearing and determination of the matter, like all other county bosses facing graft charges.

Kuria, who has also declared support for DP Ruto’s ambitions for the presidency under the Kenya Kwanza coalition, is seeking the Kiambu governor seat in the August polls.

It remains to be seen if the graft charges against Kuria and Waiguru will see the light of the day.

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