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ANC’s Ayub Savula’s Bodyguard Stabbed By ODM Supporters

ayub savula

MP Lugari constituency, Ayub Savula

Amani National Congress’ (ANC) Lugari MP Ayub Savula has died after being stabbed 10 times at a pub by rival Orange Democratic Party youths on Monday night.

Savula confirmed the tragic death, saying his aide had earlier in the day attended a meeting called by Boni Khalwale in Lumani Trading Centre.

“He was shouting in the crowd that this was an ANC zone and he was even called to the dais where he was given some money. He however still insisted that this was an ANC zone and eventually left the rally,” Ayub told Capital.

Savula said at around 8pm, his aide went to a pub where he was accosted by the ODM youths.

“His hands were held in the back by one of the youths as another went ahead to stab him 10 times,” he said adding he was on his way to the area on Tuesday morning.

The aide was also an ANC youth leader.

ANC Party leader, Musalia Mudavadi will issue a statement regarding the despicable act of violence especially during this campaign period.



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