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Massive Walk Out Looms In Nasa As Other Parties ‘Resist’ House List

There is an evident rift that might culminate into a split and possible end of NASA Coalition following the house list submitted yesterday(Wednesday, 29 November)at the National Assembly before Speaker Justin Muturi.

Suna East MP Junnet Mohamed and Gwasi MP John Mbadi bagged the minority whip and minority leader respectively, something that did not sit well with other parties that make up NASA.

Amani National Congress (ANC)Deputy Party leader Ayub Savula who is also the Lugari MP criticized the nominations owing to the fact that the two, Mbadi and Junnet, were both from ODM and same Nyanza region.

Mr Savula threatened to have his party (ANC) withdraw from NASA. He said that the Raila Odinga led party was sidelining the other parties.

The Lugari legislator further alleged that the coalition had only agreed on the senate minority post which saw Bungoma Senator Moses Wetangula nominated and the national minority post that went to Mbadi.

”We regret the list and we are forced to ask Musalia Mudavadi out of NASA as we focus on 2022,” he said.

Also rejecting the list were coastal leaders led by Suleiman Ndori of Msambweni and Mishi Mboko (Likoni). They accused key ODM players of ‘manufacturing’ minutes appointing the two.

“There is no regional balance and gender balance in this list. We had requested Raila Odinga to give us [Coast] some slots, but it’s unfortunate we have not been considered. If no changes are made, we will not accept to be used,” Mr Ndori said.

“We are doing business where we are not being recognized. We are not valued in NASA and if we are not recognized, we will resist them, Mboko said.”

Borabu MP, Ben Momanyi who was elected on a Wiper ticket said that they will not recognize Odinga’s list the same way he does not recognize President Uhuru Kenyatta’s election.

He accused the former Prime Minister of claiming to fight for democracy yet suppressing the same within the coalition.

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”It is ironical for NASA leadership to claim to be fighting for democracy in the country on one hand, but is suppressing the same within the party,” Momanyi said adding that the house leadership did not need sycophants but people who can further the opposition’s agenda.

He reiterated Savula’s sentiments, saying that unless the list is withdrawn, then they are ‘ready to say goodbye to NASA.’

Mbadi will be deputized by Kathiani MP Robert Mbui of Wiper while Kiminini MP Chris Wamalwa (Ford Kenya)will be deputy minority whip according to the rejected list Junnet.

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