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Angry Pastor Ng’ang’a Slams Government Over closure Of Churches (Video)

A video has emerged on the internet capturing an angry Pastor James Maina Ng’ang’a lecturing the government following the closure of churches.

The televangelist of Neno Evangelism Center has slammed government officials for holding large crowds and convening meetings hence says they are responsible for the surge of Covid-19 cases in the country.

For instance, the renowned pastor intimated that the country, more so Nairobi County is under lockdown due to the carelessness of the politicians. Thus, he wants them to take all the blame for the closure of churches among other measures that were instituted by President Uhuru.

Read: Pastor Blames Uhuru, Politicians For Current Surge In Covid-19 Cases (Video)

Nyinyi ndio Mlisambaza hii kitu, mlisema iko na kweli iko. Sisi Hatuendangi Crusade, mlitufungia Crusade, ninaongea kama mtume na mkenya ambaye ako na haki ya kuongea,” he says in the video.

This loosely translates to, “You started spreading the virus in gatherings because churches have not been holding crusades.”

In the state of the nation address a fortnight ago, President Uhuru Kenyatta issued stringent containment measures for five counties that have been marked as disease-infected areas.

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In his address, the head of state named Kiambu, Nairobi, Machakos, Kajiado and Nakuru as the highly contagious counties.

Uhuru banned travel either by air, road, or water to the above-mentioned areas as well as gatherings of any nature.

Places of worship in these areas were also closed.

These measures were occasioned by the surge in positive cases of Coronavirus in the last three weeks.

“In less than 12 days, our admission in hospitals has increased by 52%. The positivity rate is the highest since the pandemic began and the stress on our health care is unparalleled,” he said.

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