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Drama As AP Driver Threatens To Shoot Senior Nyandarua Officer Outside Bar


An Administration Police (AP) driver is set to face disciplinary actions after he threatened to shoot a senior police instructor outside a bar.

According to reports, the AP driver was in the company of Igwamiti Deputy County Commissioner Julia Irungu when the drama occurred.

Officer Irungu had been driven to the pub by the AP driver where she is noted to have joined her friends in Mairo-Inya, Ndaragwa Constituency.

It was after a while that people in the area heard a commotion outside where the AP driver and was in a heated argument with his senior instructor.

An eye witness narrated: “We rushed outside and found the two police officers in a heated argument. The instructor threatened the AP driver with dire consequences stating that he was his senior. He accused the AP driver of being disrespectful to him. It is at this point that the AP removed a gun and threaten to shoot the other officer.”

Consequently, the AP driver was disarmed by police officers from Mairo-Inya Police Station.

He is later noted to have driven away at a high speed in a police Toyota Land Cruiser vehicle.

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Speaking on the incident, Laikipia County Commissioner Onesmus Kyatha stated that the incident happened in within Nyandarua County.

Kyatha mentioned: “I am informed that the two officers were driving on a narrow path from opposite directions but none would give way. The AP driver got angry, alighted from the police Land Cruiser and threatened to attack the other officer.”

He added that the matter is under investigations by police in Nyandarua where the incident happened.

Additionally, the county commissioner commented that he does not understand the kind of business the administrator had in Nyandarua late at night while in a government vehicle.

Kyatha exclaimed: “What she was doing there is also subject to investigations. We have instructed the police to firmly investigate and deal with the case. We are not going to spare anyone. The law must take its course. The gun from the AP driver is in the safe custody of the police.”

The two officers are currently being investigated for misuse of a firearms.

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