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At Least Ten Soldiers Killed in IED Attack in Lamu

lamu ied attack

At least ten Kenya Defence Forces soldiers were Sunday killed in a bomb attack in Baure area, Lamu County.

Four others were evacuated after their vehicle ran over an Improvised Explosive Device along Baure Drum Road. Other officials said the state of those injured was bad.

The KDF lorry was using the Baure- Drum main supply route when it ran over a set IED, officials aware of the incident said.

The personnel on board were seriously injured leaving ten dead on the spot and others in serious condition.

The explosion destroyed the Kenya Army technical vehicle. Officials believe the bomb was set up by al-Shabaab militants operating within the expansive Boni Forest. No arrest was made then.

Read: 2 Construction Workers Injured in Al-Shabaab IED Attack in Lamu

The personnel were from the Baure Forward Operation Base and were headed for Milimani area when the tragedy struck.

Security personnel believe there is an active al-Shabaab cell in the area given the attack on KDF came hours after another one left two construction workers with serious injuries on Saturday September 9.

The Department of Defence was yet to issue a statement on the deadly blast. The Saturday incident happened on the Hindi-Baragoni main supply route.

The vehicle was badly damaged after it ran over an IED, police said. They were rushed to the hospital and admitted in critical condition, police said.

A police operation mounted in the area minutes later did not bear any fruit as the gang behind the same had escaped.

Read Also: 2 Police Officers Killed, Six Injured in IED Attack in Mandera 

Police believe the terrorists behind the bomb were timing security vehicles that were to use the route.

This is the latest incident in this month so far. In August, more than ten people were killed in the area in separate terror-related attacks.

Dozens of houses were also burnt in the attacks.

Following the latest attacks, officials have mounted an operation in the area and urged troops on the ground to always take their time before moving on the supply routes.

A major operation is ongoing in the area to address al-Shabaab-related attacks, which happen because of others, the proximity to the main Kenya-Somalia border.

Read Also: Al Shabaab Kill Two, Burn Houses in Lamu Attack

The area near the border with Somalia has suffered a series of terrorist attacks.

The state has imposed a dusk-to-dawn curfew in the area as part of efforts to enhance operations targeting the terrorists who hide in Boni forest.

The terrorists have been attacking places near the Kenyan border by using guns and explosives leaving dozens dead and many injured.

The recent attacks have forced the government to suspend plans to reopen the Kenya-Somalia border.

This has also affected various development projects at large.

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