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Atwoli Denies Committing Adultery With Married KTN Reporter

Central Organization of Trade Union (Cotu) Secretary General Francis Atwoli has refuted claims that he has “stolen” some other man’s wife.

Speaking in Kisumu on Monday, Atwoli denied being in a relationship with the TV girl who is apparently married to Bumula Constituency MP aspirant Jack Wamboka.

The COTU boss says that it is against his beliefs to have relations with married women, further insisting that he always confirms from the parents whether or not the girl is married.

“Somebody recently tried to tarnish my name on social media claiming that I’ve run away with his wife… what a foolish man he is! My dad told me if you are still alive, don’t fool around with some peoples’ wives,” Atwoli said.

“Even the several wives I have, I always confirm from their parents whether they are single or not. Therefore, I cannot take someone’s wife,” he added.

It is said that Wamboka linked the flamboyant trade unionist to KTN reporter Mary Kilobi.

But word has it that Wamboka has always had a thing for rich, fine women who eventually throw him out once they realize that he is out to extort them.

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It is also true that he has been married with three kids but was kicked out by his wife.

Atwoli further advised men who might have eyes for his daughters to simply ask for their hand in marriage.

“I’m willing to give any man, irrespective of age, as long as they are in love. Let them pay dowry, and we bless them to start their lives,” Atwoli said.

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