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Atwoli’s Estranged Wife Roselinda Requests DP Ruto To Help Pay Child’s Fees

Roselinda Simiyu Atwoli, the ex-wife of Cotu boss Francis Atwoli, has asked Deputy President William Ruto for assistance in paying her child’s school expenses.

Roselinda alleged that Atwoli had abandoned them and that her child had not attended school since the start of the school year.

“Kuna mtu mmoja ambaye wameacha mabibi hata mtoto. Mheshimiwa Ruto, I’m addressing you, naomba niko na mtoto ambaye tangu mwaka ianze hajawahi enda shuleni,” she said on Monday during a Kenya Kwanza rally in Bungoma.

“Najua Atwoli amekutukana, najua amekwambia matusi lakini on behalf of a mother, nisaidie mtoto aende shuleni,” she added.

The trade unionist who belongs to the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Alliance coalition party disowned Roselinda who is vying for the Bungoma Woman Rep seat on an ANC ticket.

Read: Atwoli Warns Journalists Against Having Affairs With Married Women

In a statement in January, Atwoli said the woman was not his wife.

“Roselinda was surrendered to William Ruto in 2007 in his Eldoret townhouse. She is no longer on the list of my relatives. Ruto can now add her, free of charge,” Atwoli said in a tweet.

In 2018, the aspiring County MP said she had consulted her husband before getting into politics and he had promised to support her.

“I told him I wanted to make a change. He agreed and promised to support me in politics. When he was contesting for a political seat for the first time, as the wife I supported him even financially with the money I had saved to buy myself a car,” she told Radio Jambo then.

Atwoli who was allegedly married to Roselinda for over two decades has since moved on and is cohabiting with KTN’s Mary Kilobi.

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