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Babu Owino Claims Life In Danger, Records Statement With Police

babu owino


Embakasi East Member of Parliament Paul Ongili famously referred to as Babu Owino has claimed that his life is in danger.

In a detailed post, the lawmaker stated that there were plots to have him assassinated adding that a saloon vehicle with four occupants had been constantly trailing him for the last couple of months.

He stated that he has recorded a statement at the Parliament Police Station under OB21/17/11/2019 at 1728HRS and called upon the Inspector General of Police Hillary Mutyambai to launch investigations on the same.

“Over the past couple of months, I have been on the receiving end of hateful abuse and indeed threats against my life for my outspoken brand of politics. I am known for speaking out in defense of ordinary people without fear or favor. This seems to be rubbing some people in high places the wrong way. Regardless, I have done my duty to the people fearlessly and will continue to do so until the Lord calls me home,” he wrote on his Instagram page.

Read: I Did Not Slap Jaguar, His Cheek Moved Towards My Hand – Babu Owino

He added,”In recent weeks, this vitriol has been getting increasingly worse and over the last few days, I can report that I am a targeted man. I have been consistently followed during the day and at night by a saloon vehicle that I now know with four occupants. Yesterday, these men made an attempt on my life!”

According to the former Nairobi University student leader, the attempts on his life are attributed to his political stand, a move that he has insisted he would not relent on.

Owino has been known to be very vocal in fighting against injustices in the society. Right from his student leader days, Owino has defied the authorities and orchestrated some of the biggest demonstrations to fight for student rights, with his famous slogans,Tibim and Tialala.

Read Also:Jaguar, Babu Owino Asked To Issue Apology For Fighting Within Parliament

He was elected as Member of Parliament for Embakasi East in a controversial election that was taken to the high court and Supreme court, with his win withheld.

His vocal nature however landed him in trouble in 2017 after he was accused of abusing the President among other charges, and was dramatically arrested and re-arrested.

Owino has however declared that he would not change his tactic of leadership, adding that he was not afraid of dying for the people who elected him.

“In closing, I will not stop. I shall not stop. Death comes to us all and I know mine will eventually come. I am not afraid of dying for my beliefs and in service to my people. Tialala!” he wrote.

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