
Badi Bans Display, Sale Of Flowers Along Walkways In Nairobi

Nairobi Metropolitan Services (NMS) Director General Major Mohamed Badi has banned florists from making displays and selling flowers along city pavements.

The order takes effect immediately, according to a notice published in the dailies on Friday, November 13.

“Selling and displaying seedlings and flowers on pedestrian and cyclists’ pathways is prohibited and anyone having such plants on Non-Motorized Traffic (NMT) corridors should remove them forthwith. Where one is licensed to have such display, plants should be two meters away from the walkways,” he said.

Licenced florists will now be required to place their displays two metres away from the walkways and cycle lanes in the Central Business District (CBD).

Also, Badi gave an order banning any county official from assigning picking/dropping bay including parking slots without written authorization from Director Roads, Transport and Public Works.

Read: 100-Year-Old Fig Tree Along Waiyaki Way Will Not be Moved – NMS Boss Badi

“No person or officer is authorized to allocate, and or assign picking/dropping bay including parking slots without written authorization from Director Roads, Transport and Public Works upon approve by the Office of the Director General,” he stated.

“Any request for allocation or assignment of picking/dropping bay and parking slot will undergo scrutiny from the committee appointed by NMS to undertake this function. Any purported approval granted without following this procedure is null and void.”

Drivers found driving on the walkways and cycle lanes will have their licences suspended, and forced to pay for any damages caused.

“Parking, driving or riding on pedestrian walkways or cycle-lanes by motor vehicles or motorcycles is prohibited. Any driver or rider found in contravention will be prosecuted and their driving license suspended and where damage is occasioned to the infrastructure, the violator will pay for its restoration to previous condition.”

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