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BBI Secretariat Gives IEBC 16 Days To Complete Signature Verification

The Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) secretariat has given the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) 16 days to complete the verification of signatures.

Speaking yesterday in a meeting convened by Raila Odinga, BBI Secretariat co-chair Junet Mohamed raised concerns regarding the pace at which the verification was being conducted.

Junet further revealed that the process has stalled due to poor network connectivity at the Bomas of Kenya.

“We handed the IEBC the signatures nearly a month ago and there is nothing to show for it. The exercise must be completed before the end of January. IEBC bosses surely know how Issack Hassan and his team left the commission,” Junet said.

Read: 0ver 500,000 BBI Signatures Verified So Far – Chebukati

According to the Suna East MP, IEBC Chair Wafula Chebukati is part of the scheme of officials who are aiming to sabotage BBI. He ideally warned that should there be foul play, the officials in the commission will be kicked out of need be.

“Let the commission be reminded that we’re not tired. We’re ready to kick them out if the need arises.” Junet added.

Last week, Chebukati gave an update on the BBI signature verification exercise revealing that 544,624 signatures had so far been captured and verified.

Read Also: I’m In Full Control Of Gov’t – Uhuru Says After Dismissing Kang’ata’s Letter On BBI

Chebukati further revealed that the verification exercise will be completed within the commission’s stipulated time frame.

“The exercise is being undertaken in a transparent manner and in the presence of accredited observers and agents of the promoters of the initiative,” Chebukati said.

The National Treasury recently approved Sh93.7 million funding to the commission for the verification of the over four million signatures.

IEBC had sought Sh241 million from the exchequer to review the signatures submitted by the BBI Secretariat, a proposal that was criticized by Odinga.

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