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Bean Named After Raila Set To Be Released To The Market

Raila bean


A bean named after Raila Odinga will soon grace the market.

The bean is named Raila because of its crisp, dark tone that farmers said is similar to the pigmentation of the opposition leader.

The name was given to the bean during the Australian-funded project called the Maize-Legume Cropping Systems for Food Security in Eastern and Southern Africa (Simlesa).

Farmers were asked to name crops developed within the project.

This is not the first time that a cereal has been named after a politician. The former vice president the late George Saitoti had a bean variety named after him. The famous Nyayo was also named in honour of former President Daniel Moi.

The researchers established that the bean is one of the popular varieties identified as best suited for growing in coffee zones and lower regions in Tharaka Nithi, Embu and Meru counties.

The project also advocated for farmers to stop using residue as fodder robs the farm important nutrients for regeneration.

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“Using residue as fodder robs the farm important nutrients for regeneration and leaves the land without important mulching cover,” said Dr Charles Nkonge, Simlesa project coordinator.

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