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Bob Collymore’s Final Journey As Body Leaves Lee Funeral For Kariokor Crematorium (Photos)

Hearse carrying the body of the late Bob Collymore. /Courtesy

The body of former Safaricom CEO on Tuesday morning left Lee Funeral Home in Nairobi for the final rites at the Kariokor Crematorium.

According to live coverage done by media houses, the friends and relatives gathered at Lee to bid the celebrated corporate leader goodbye.

Collymore will be cremated in a private interment process at the crematorium.

The hearse in which his body lay sneaked its way to Kariokor on Tuesday morning under tight security.

Family and friends at the Lee Funeral home bidding goodbye to Bob Collymore./Courtesy

Read:  Safaricom CEO Bob Collymore Is Dead

Police outriders cleared the road for the Jaguar vehicle as his family followed in a separate car.

According to The Standard, the home of the late CEO is equally heavily guarded by private security people, regular police, and non-uniformed security officials from Safaricom. The security is to help minimize intrusion into grief and privacy.

They further noted that visitors could not be allowed into his uptown Market home in Kitsuru as the security team had to vet them before permitting them through a barricade.

An official noted: “The family will reach out to the media when they are ready to speak.”

The security officials also forbade the media from taking photographs or hanging around the residence.

Read also: Safaricom CEO Bob Collymore To Be Laid To Rest Tomorrow In Private Ceremony

Safaricom Board Chairman Nicholas Ng’ang’a on Thursday intimated that there may be a memorial service either on Thursday or Friday.

The memorial service will allow Kenyans to pay the last respects to the late Collymore.

The 61-year-old succumbed to cancer on Monday morning at his home at his Nairobi home.

He had been battling with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) for almost two years.

Collymore leaves behind a wife and four children.

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