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Boniface Mwangi Tenders Resignation as Ukweli Party Chairperson

Renowned activist and Ukweli Party leader Boniface Mwangi has tendered his resignation as the party’s chairperson.

In a statement released by the party, Mwangi has taken a break so as to spend time with his family.

“We wish to announce that our Party Chairperson, Boniface Mwangi, has requested to stand down from his position as Party Leader, so he can take a break and spend time with his family. We would like to thank him for steering the Party thus far. We wish you all the best, Bonnie,” the statement reads.

Read: Ukweli Party’s Boniface Mwangi Threatens to Sue UDA for Allegedly Stealing Brand Colours

This comes barely two days after Mwangi announced through social media that he was taking a break from Kenyan politics.

Last week, Mwangi accused the leadership of the newly launched United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party of stealing his political outfits’ brand colours. Yellow and green colours are conspicuous with both the Ukweli and UDA parties.

UDA party, which is associated with Deputy President William Ruto, was unveiled in January this year having rebranded from the Party of Development and Reform (PDR).

In a Facebook post on Wednesday, Mwangi claimed that DP Ruto was behind the ‘theft’.

Read Also: Governor Waiguru Slams Activist Boniface Mwangi Over “Sleepover” Slur

Mwangi demanded an explanation from the Registrar of Political Parties Anne Nderitu on the alleged theft of Ukweli party brand colours further threatening legal action.

“Deputy President William Samoei Ruto stole Ukweli Party colours for his party. He could have picked any other colours but decided to steal Ukweli Party brand book,” said Mwangi.

“…Registrar of Political Parties owe us a legal explanation and we shall meet in court!”

Interestingly, the yellow colour in question dominated the DP’s defunct United Republican Party (URP).

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