A section of Capital FM employees are up in arms against the move by the radio station’s management to hide the story of Mandi Sarro aka Miss Mandii having assaulted new presenter Anita Nderu. A journalist, a presenter and two other support staff members fear that if the culture of violence is encouraged at Lonrho House based station, more staff members might either take law into their own hands or become vulnerable to the hot blooded immature monsters.
The uproar follows revelations that Miss Mandii assaulted Anita at a staff team-building retreat at one of the Fairmont facilities. The cheaply twenging former Kiss FM presenter even tried to throw the Kampala International University – Uganda alumni Anita Nderu into the fireplace. Anita was rescued and immediately rushed to hospital.
Efforts by Anita to seek legal dress have been thwarted by flamboyant methuselah Chris Kirubi who has insisted on nobody going to the police over the matter. Now some staff members including those who are parents, believe that they might be vulnerable to such attacks from the same or other actors as the company is not serious in stopping violent culture at work.
Capital FM management is reported to have only sent warning letters to both ladies ignoring the fact that the altercation was a one sided beat down meted on Anita by the bitter Miss Mandii. It is not clear what Anita did to Miss Mandii but sources intimate that she might have chided her over the return of the sassy MC Amina into the Hits Not Homework show dislodging the boring Miss Mandii.
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