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Caroline Kangogo’s Family Hands Over Children To Father

The parents of suspected killer cop the late Caroline Kangogo have handed over the children to their father, Mr Richard Ng’eno.

The parents, Mzee Barnabas and Selinah Korir, have opted to place the 11-year old boy and seven-year-old girl to the estranged husband who comes from Kericho county.

Since their mother’s death, the two children have been living under the custody of their grandparents in Nyawa village, Elgeyo Marakwet county.

Read: Caroline Kangogo’s Family Declines to Honour Cremation Wishes, To Accord her “Normal” Send Off

Mr Ng’eno is currently serving as a senior officer attached to the Maritime Police Unit based in Mombasa.

“We are happy to learn that our son-in-law has secured a good boarding primary school for the children in Kericho county where they are studying well devoid of any interruption,” Kibor said.

Before her alleged suicide, Kangogo was suspected to have killed her two friends, Constable John Ogweno and Peter Ndwiga.

Kangogo allegedly shot herself dead with a pistol at her parent’s home in Elgeiyo Marakwet on July 16, 2021. She had been missing for over two weeks after allegedly shooting dead the two men.

The family however refused to honour what was considered to be her last wishes of being cremated but instead accorded her a Christian burial.

“No one knows at what time Kangogo entered the homestead for the alleged suicide. Her mother only discovered the body in the morning when she went to wash the bathroom,” Kangogo’s brother said.

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