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Chief Sentenced to 40 years for Repeated Sexual Assault, Sharing Victim’s Nude Images Online

A chief in Wajir county has been jailed after he was found guilty of repeated sexual assault. Chief Kalimoi Shale was sentenced to 40 years in Prison for sexually assaulting an 18 year old girl repeatedly and circulating her nude images on social media.

The accused was also ordered to pay a Sh500,000 fine which will be issued tothe victim as compensation.

A report by the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP) shows that after committing the heinous acts, the chief later forced the girl to accept an out of court settlement.

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“Chief Kalimoi Shale of Wajir was found guilty of raping an 18-year-old girl on multiple occasions and using his position to force her to accept an out-of-court settlement through Maslaha, a cultural conflict resolution model common in North Eastern Kenya,” read the stated the ODPP.

“The chief was also accused of circulating the victim’s nude photos on social media after she refused to accept his continuous abuse.”

The chief was jailed for 20 years for sexual assault and 20 years for wrongful distribution of obscene or intimate images. According to the ODPP, the two sentences will run concurrently.

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