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Chinese Working At Port Reitz Accuse Kenyan SGR Workers Of Spreading Covid-19

Kenyans working for the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) at Port Reitz now say that the Chinese counterparts are mistreating them, accusing them of spreading Covid-19.

Kenyans who spoke to Kahawa Tungu say that the buses that ferry them to and from work have had their windows sealed, “so that they do not infect the Chinese” with the virus.

“The situation at Port Reitz SGR Port is getting worse with the harassment of these Chinese.Today the bus ferrying staff to and from work had all its windows sealed reason being we should not open windows when passing through the premises where Chinese reside because we will infect them with Covid-19.

The cargo department has been working since the suspension of Madaraka Express, since most of the cargo is classified as essential.

All staff at work have to be in masks,eyes glasses and gloves during working hours and the full gear of personal protective equipment (PPE) for the Covid-19, a measure that is not applied against the Chinese.

The workers are now calling for fair treatment.

They say that putting them in a sealed bus is riskier and could spread the disease easily.

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