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Senator Cleophas Malala Launches Scathing Attack Against Khalwale, CS Echesa


Kakamega Senator Cleophas Malala has hit out at Luhya leaders who have endorsed Deputy President William Ruto for the presidency.

Speaking during Lugari MP Ayub Savula’s daughter’s burial, the senator launched a scathing attack against former Senator Boni Khalwale who he said is an embarrassment to the Luhya community.

According to Malala, the ex legislator has stooped so low that he now “cleans Ruto’s utensils at his Sugoi home.”

Khalwale, who now is Ruto’s point-man in the Western region has said that the DP has explained his source of wealth hence his supporting 2022 bid.

“Now I understand better and that’s why I will support him for 2022. All he needs to assure us is that he will appoint a running mate from Western Kenya,” he said.

Away from Khalwale, Malala also attacked Sports CS Rashid Echesa who on December 29, 2018 revealed that ANC leader Musalia Mudavadi owns a company, Fast Assurance, which has been receiving money from fallen Mumias Sugar from 2014 to 2017.

Responding to Echesa, the legislator brought up a human trafficking case in which the CS is involved.

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It is said that the CS provided eight cultural dancers from Pakistani with special passes into the country.

He further asked that Echesa goes back to school for proper credentials before addressing Mudavadi.

The outspoken lawmaker also asked ANC members of parliament and ward representatives to desist attending Ruto’s meetings.

Those who want to support the DP should resign from the party, Malala threatened.

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