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Coast ODM Leaders Disregard Party Orders, To Host DP Ruto

Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party leaders from the Coast region will not heed the party’s top leadership advice to not support the Deputy President William Ruto’s 2022 presidential bid.

On Wednesday, the party’s Secretary General Edwin Sifuna threatened to take ‘disciplinary action’ against those that have pledged to back the DP as he seeks to clinch the country’s top seat.

Those who have declared their support for, Ruto, he said are in breach of the party’s resolutions.

But coastal leaders led by Coast Parliamentary Group chairman Suleiman Dori have tken matters into their own hands. Mr Dori has in fact invited the DP for Iftar on Sunday.

“Jambo. Kindly receive invitation for iftar on Sunday at Ukunda show ground. The speeches will start at 3 p.m. Chief guest will be H.E. DP Hon. William Ruto. Thank you,” reads the invitation.

Also joining the Ruto camp is Kilifi Governor Amason Kingi who ditched his Mombasa counterpart, Ali Hassan Joho for the ‘hustler.’

Joho has declared his interest in the Presidency, something that some have dismissed as ‘unrealistic.’

Read: Did Senior Siaya Politician Sponsor Coast Mps To Denounce NASA House List?

“We will not accept to continue being lied to. The 1.7 million votes from this region cannot allow our own to become a president. What we need to do is to work with leaders who we know have the capacity to go for the seat and that is none other than the DP,” Dori said.

The DP has apparently been making discreet but sure in-roads in the vote rich Nyanza Region. It has been said that former members of parliament and county assembly representatives from the region are backing his bid to succeed his boss, Uhuru Kenyatta.

He is also making moves in order to win over the Abagusii people.

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