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October Cyber Security Awareness Month: Communications Authority Kicks Off Awareness Initiative

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Communications Authority of Kenya. / COURTESY


October is the official global Cyber security awareness month. This year, the initiative kicks off with the theme ‘Do Your Part, #BeCyberSmart. The Communications Authority of Kenya (CA) in a statement, said it will partner with local and international players to participate in the global initiative. This is with an aim to raise awareness on the importance of cyber hygiene amongst individuals, communities and organizations.

During the Cyber Security awareness Month, CA intends to empower individuals, organizations and communities to take up their role in improving cybersecurity through cyber education, awareness and capacity building,. The Covid-19 pandemic brought about interruptions and changes in the accustomed way of living, resulting in the dependence on technology.

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” As a result, there has been an exponential rise in the adoption of e-commerce as retailers scaled up new frontiers to reach customers during the crisis. Education, health, work, and government services have also broken new fronts in the digital space.” the statement from CA reads.

The cyber security awareness month initiatives will also take into account the digitization of Kenya’s economy and its adaptation which has left more people vulnerable to cyberattacks. Cybercriminals are on the prowl looking to steal data, misinform, defraud consumers and wreck havoc.

“From cyber attacks using social engineering including phishing, identity, theft and impersonation to fake news and cyber propaganda, this is our new reality in the cyber space.” the statement further reads.

Read also: Kenya Among Countries With Highest Number Of Phishing Attacks- Report

The National KE-CIRT/CC detected 110,898,069 cyber threat events during the period July 2019 to June 2020, an indication that the threat of cybersecurity and digital transformation rise in tandem with one another.

The October Cyber security month focuses on creating awareness through anticipation, education, detection, reaction and resilience as the most effective cyber defense.

The CA further said it will host various initiatives geared towards educating and creating cybersecurity awareness as Cyber Town Halls and Webinars s amongst individuals and organizations, with the objective of empowering Kenyans with the requisite cyber hygiene skills to navigate cyber space safely.

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