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Concerns As Bandits Disrupt KCPE Exams In Baringo

Security teams have intensified operations after suspected bandits raided Kapkosum village in Mochongoi, Baringo South, disrupting ongoing national exams in two schools.

The affected students were sitting for the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) exams which kicked off on Monday morning.

The bandits also interrupted businesses in the area, forcing some residents to flee their homes.

Police confirmed that the security situation in the area has since been restored.

However, tension still remains high in the area with locals expressing fears of another attack.

The attack came hours after Rift Valley Regional Commissioner Mohammed Maalim assured learners of their safety during the examination period.

Also Read: Cattle Rustlers Kill Five Police Reservists In Baringo Attack 

“Our biggest fear was the Baringo area following last Friday’s attacks but since then we have traced all the 40 candidates from the area who had fled with their families for safety and I have been informed that they are all sitting their exams this morning,” Maalim said.

There have been several attacks in the volatile Baringo South area over the recent days with several lives reported to have been lost.

In the past week, at least four people have been killed in Mochongoi. The four were killed in two separate attacks.

Also Read: Kapedo Attacks : Tiaty MP William Kamket Grilled Again

The gun men continue to operate in the area despite threats from the government.

Kenyans on social media are now calling on authorities to find a long lasting solution in the region.

Here are some of the reactions:


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