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Confusion As Raila Nominates Kalonzo Chief Cabinet Minister While He Launches Presidential Bid

Azimio La Umoja One Kenya Alliance Coalition Party has today unveiled Martha Karua as Raila Odinga’s running mate ahead of the August 9, general elections.

Convened at the Kenyatta International Conference Centre (KICC) Raila Odinga named Karua as his Deputy while nominating Kalonzo Musyoka as Chief Cabinet Minister.

Notably, Kalonzo Musyoka, who is part of the Azimio-One Kenya Coalition was absent and held a parallel press briefing at the Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka Command center in Karen.

There was confusion as Raila nominated Kalonzo as the Chief Cabinet Minister in his government while Kalonzo unveiled his presidential bid with Andrew Leteipa Sunkuli as his deputy.

The former Mwingi MP said that he, President Uhuru Kenyatta and ODM leader Raila Odinga had been in consultation over the running mate post.

Read: Azimio’s Raila Odinga Picks Martha Karua as Running Mate in State House Bid

But Raila had the last word, he revealed adding that Raila tried to talk him into accepting Karua.

Kalonzo also told the press that he would have asked Kanu chairman Gideon Moi to be his running mate but One Kenya Alliance (OKA) “had been messed up”.

Raila on the other hand reiterated that Karua is the most suitable candidate terming her a fighter.

“This woman is a fighter and is not a quitter. She has a safe pair of hands, seasoned by the struggle for our second liberation and service to the country in many capacities. This woman has a beautiful soul as exhibited by her love and passion for her children and grandchildren. This woman will be a great co-creator and will make a remarkable first deputy president of the Republic of Kenya,” said Odinga.

Read Also: Kalonzo to be on the Ballot, Picks Sunkuli as Running Mate

The move has ignited mixed reactions from netizens with a good number castigating Kalonzo for opting to make his announcement the same day as Azimio’s big day.

Here are some mixed reactions from Twitter:

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