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Contacts of Eight Foreigners who Tested Positive for Indian Covid-19 Strain Under Strict Quarantine in Kisumu

Eight of the foreigners who tested positive for the Indian Covid-19 variant are quarantined in Kisumu.

In a statement to newsrooms on Wednesday, Kisumu Health CEC Prof. Boaz Otieno said the county government has stepped up efforts to contain the spread of the virus.

He also noted that at least 100 individuals who came in close contact with the eight have also been put under strict quarantine.

“The County Government has confined at least 8 foreign nationals who tested positive to the Indian variant and is currently conducting an elaborate contact tracing to help stop the spread of the virus. All the 8, who were working at a local factory are suspected to have recently traveled from India,” said Prof Nyunya.

He added, “At least 100 other workers who are said to have had close contact with the 8 have been placed under strict quarantine as the county moves with speed to stop a further spread of the Virus.”

Read: Five Cases of Indian Covid Variant Confirmed in Kenya

Prof Nyunya urged Kisumu residents to remain vigilant and to continue observing the containment measures.

“The situation is under control but we urge Kisumu residents to continue adhering to the COVID-19 protocols to help keep away the stubborn virus.”

Acting Director-General of Health Dr Patrick Amoth told reporters that the cases were reported last Thursday before the government imposed ban on flights from India.

“This variant has been picked in Kenya and because of connectivity, it was just a matter of time. You cannot be able to put barriers to prevent a virus from accessing your territory,” Amoth said.

India is reporting a surge in the number of Covid-19 cases and fatalities, raising alarm over the situation in the second-most populous country in the world.

At least 20 million cases and 226,000 deaths have so far been confirmed, with reports indicating that the situation has left hospitals, morgues and crematoriums overwhelmed.

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