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Court Declines to Halt Anti-government Protests

anti-government protests

Anti-government Protesters. [COURTESY]

The High Court has declined to stop anti-government protests set for Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.

Justice Lawrence Mugambi on Monday directed that a petition filed by Martin Gitau be filed in the next three days and responses within ten days.

Justice Mugambi set the hearing for July 21.

“Further documentation/replying affidavit by the petitioner be filed and served within 10 days,” he ordered.

Court Declines to Stop Protests.

Gitau through Lawyer Adrian Kamotho, had sought orders seeking to block Azimio leaders Raila Odinga and Uhuru Kenyatta from planning demonstrations.

He argued that the demos would bring businesses to a standstill and paralyze the transport system as was the case during the Saba Saba protests.

“What followed on July 7 was demonstrations characterized by catastrophic violence, tragic chaos, and ruinous destruction of both private and public property,” Gitau said through lawyer Adrian Kamotho.

Read: Azimio Chides Gov’t for Unleashing Militia on Protests, Insists Demos Still On

“That whereas Article 37 of the Constitution secures the right to, peaceably and unarmed, assemble, demonstrate, picket, and to present petitions to public authorities, the Respondents have abused the said rights and resorted to rioting, hooliganism, vandalism, primitive destruction and mindless conduct that is inherently incompatible with the overall enjoyment of fundamental rights and freedoms.”

The opposition welcomed the court decision and asked Kenyans to turn up in large numbers.

“The Court has refused to stop maandamano as requested by Kenya Kwanza through surrogate petitioner Martin Gitau. Tukutane Wednesday, Thursday na Friday,” said ODM secretary general Edwin Sifuna said.

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