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Court Extends Orders Barring Increment of Parking Fees in Nairobi

A High Court has extended orders barring City Hall from increasing parking fees within the city.

Justice Anthony Murima on Wednesday postponed the matter until May 3 after the Nairobi Metropolitan Services (NMS) was enjoined in the case.

The petition was filed by Consumer Federation of Kenya (Cofek) and the Matatu Owners Association.

Cofek termed the county’s decision to double the parking fees as unconstitutional.

Read: Reprieve For Nairobi Motorists As Court Extends Orders Stopping Parking Fees Increment

Cofek also argued that the notice issued on December 2, 2019 was too short, unreasonable, punitive and discriminatory.

Parking costs were categorised into zones. Zone one consisted of areas around the CBD where parking was set at Sh400 up from Sh200.

Zone two parking was going to cost motorists Sh200 and consisted of Donholm, Kilimani, Nairobi West, Upper Hill, Yaya Centre, Westlands, Parklands, Gigiri, Allsops, Makadara, Kayole, Bururburu, Umoja and Eastleigh.

Zone three included all commercial centres not mentioned on zone one and two and the parking cost set at Sh100.

Read Also: How To Pay For Parking In Nairobi Using Your Smartphone

“Kindly note that you will be required to top up the parking fee payment if migrating to a zone with a higher charge as will be applicable,” read the notice.

Private vehicles on seasonal parking were going to part with Sh7,000 for a month, Sh18,000 for three months, Sh32,000 for six months and Sh55,000 for twelve months.

Buses, which are not public service vehicles, were to be charged Sh1,000 per day to park within the CBD.

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