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3 More Patients Succumb To Covid-19 As Cases Rise To 3,594

mutahi kagwe, coronavirus kenya

Health CS Mutahi Kagwe. [PHOTO/ COURTESY]

The number of the coronavirus cases in the country rose to 3,594 on Sunday after 137 more people tested positive in the last 24 hours.

Speaking during a press conference in Othaya, Nyeri County, Health Cabinet Secretary Mutahi Kagwe said the cases were recorded following the testing of 3,167 samples.

So far, a total of 115,336 samples have been tested since the outbreak of the disease in the country in March.

The new cases are distributed in counties as follows; Nairobi (92), Mombasa (16), Kajiado (15), Busia and Kiambu, four cases each, Kilifi, Nakuru, Nyamira, Uasin Gishu, Siaya and Muranga, have one case each.

At the same time, three more patients have succumbed Covid-19, raising the total number of fatalities in the country to 103.

The number of recoveries rose to 1,253 after 32 more patients were discharged from hospital.

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Nyeri County has so far recorded nine cases with three of the patients being healthcare workers.

The CS revealed that the three medics recently tested positive for Covid-19 at Othaya Hospital, having contracted the contagious disease in the line of duty.

Kagwe also commented on the threat posed by other Non-communicable Diseases (NCDs) such as cancers, most heart diseases and strokes saying a long-term plan had been formulated to deal with the rising burden of the diseases.

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“Persons living with NCDs are more at risk of contracting the Coronavirus compared to those without,” he said.

“NCDs have the potential of driving a household into poverty and can reduce family incomes by 30 per cent.

Kagwe was in the county to assess the preparedness of the Othaya Level 6 Hospital to handle Covid-19 cases.

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He was accompanied by Health Director-General Patrick Amoth, Information Communication Technology (ICT) CS Joe Mucheru and Government Spokesperson Cyrus Oguna.

Other leaders present included Nyeri Governor Mutahi Kahiga, Deputy Governor Caroline Karugu, Murang’a Women Representative Sabina Chege and Kieni MP Kanini Kega.

The Nyeri governor said the county is working to ensure that a 300-bed capacity isolation facility is set up in the region in line with President Uhuru Kenyatta recent directive.

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