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Covid-19 Positivity Rate at 24.4 Percent as 1,376 New Cases Recorded

In the last 24 hours, 1,372 people have tested positive for Covid-19 from a sample size of 5,635 tested. This brings the total number of positive cases to 263,707 and the cumulative tests to 2,930,320. The positivity rate is now 24.4 percent.

74 people have recovered from the disease. Out of those, 50 have been discharged from various health facilities countrywide while 24 have been discharged from the home based care and isolation program.

Read: Kenya Announces 550 Covid-19 Cases, 7 Deaths in 24 Hours

A total of 278 Covid-19 patients are currently admitted at the hospital while 4,996 are on the home based care and isolation program.

No deaths were reported in the period, meaning that the number of Covid-19 fatalities remains 5,353.

As of December 18, 2021, 8, 861,176 Kenyans have been vaccinated against the disease. Out of these, 5,288,176 partial vaccinations while 3,572,863 have been fully vaccinated.  The proportion of fully vaccinated adults is now 13.1 percent.

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