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CS Amina Mohamed On The Spot Over Athletes Neglect

Team Kenya returned to the country early morning Wednesday from the 2020 Tokyo Olympics to a low key reception at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport.

There was no visible government representation at the airport to receive the gallant athletes who finished first in Africa with a total of ten medals.

And as a tradition there were no traditional dancers and plentiful supply of Mursik to keep the athletes entertained and refreshed.

Kenya won four Gold, equal number of Silver and two Bronze.

It was a sharp contract, neighbours Uganda, who despite winning just four medals; two Gold and one Silver and Bronze a piece, gave their athletes a colourful welcome on Tuesday.

The athletes were paraded on top of high end vehicles in a convoy that snaked from Entebbe Airport to Kampala City.

The poor treatment of Kenyan athletes did not escape the attention of netizens, who did not hesitate to vent their anger.

In particular, the Cabinet Secretary for Sports Ambassador Amina Mohamed, who recently lost her husband, received a lot of stick.

Amina, who has been a trending topic on Twitter the entire morning also received praises.

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