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Governor Cyprian Awiti Hands Over Official Duties To Deputy As He Seeks Medical Care

cyprian awiti


Homa Bay Governor Cyprian Awiti has temporarily ‘handed over’ his official duties to his deputy Hamilton Orata.

According to the governor’s director of press service Juma Aluoch, Mr Orata will run the affairs of the county for now as the governor seeks medical attention.

Speaking to Nation, Aluoch mentioned: “All affairs of the county will be run by the deputy governor as it has been since the governor has been unwell.”

“There is no cause for alarm and all residents will get relevant services from the county. There is no vacuum,” he added, confirming that the county boss is out of the country.

Governor Awiti has been out of the limelight in the recent past and is reported to have returned to Kenya two weeks ago after undergoing an eye operation in Germany.

Following his absence in the public eye, Homa Bay Senator Moses Kajwang’ and Homa Bay Town MP Peter Kaluma demanded for Mr Awiti’s resignation.

Mr Kaluma noted: “The governor should resign for entertaining corrupt ministers in his government. They have not delivered any meaningful services to residents and there is nothing going on in the county.

“The governor should resign and we want the national government to take over the county then an election to be held after 90 days. The governor is a total failure and I regret supporting him. Homa Bay is on its death bed and needs urgent measures to be rescued,” Kaluma affirmed.

Read: Supreme Court Upholds The Election Of Homabay Governor Cyprian Awiti

The two called for the resignation of the Governor, accusing him of delivering poor services to the residents as well as entertaining corruption in his cabinet.

Senator Kajwang’ further expressed concerns over the competency of Mr Orata claiming that he will “duplicate the bad development record of Mrr Awiti.”

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