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Blogger Cyprian Nyakundi Has Twitter Account Suspended After Leaking Indecent Images

Blogger Cyprian Nyakundi had his Twitter account suspended on Tuesday morning.

The self proclaimed boy child President had his account suspended shortly after leaking nude pictures of Radio Africa Managing Director Martin Khafafa.

Nyakundi who has for the longest time never been one to hold his tongue was among Twitter users who lost a significant number of follower accounts following a Twitter purge.

The blogger lost more than half of his followers; from more than a million followers to 697,000 follower accounts.

Twitter said that the purge that affected celebrities such as Kim Kardashian and US President Donald Trump was part of “our ongoing work to improve the health of conversations on Twitter encompasses all aspects of our service. This specific update is focused on followers because it is one of the most visible features on our service and often associated with account credibility.”

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