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Data Usage Grows by 5.1 percent During Pandemic

Data usage in Kenya increased by 5.1 percent between April and June 2020, a report from the Communications Authority shows.

The Communication Authority released its fourth quarter financial report for 2019/2020 showing that the total internet subscriptions hit 41 million compared to 39 million that was recorded in the previous quarter.

The authority attributed the growth to the increased demand for information online.

“The number of data/Internet subscriptions continued to grow due to increased demand for access to information online, coupled with the transfer of more services to the digital space,” said CA.

Read: Safaricom Adds Data And Airtime Usage Breakdown On Web App

Many users are also reported to be increasingly using videoconferencing services, access online entertainment and stream video services such as Netflix.

More learners are also reported to be accessing the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development e-learning content at home.

The study also revealed that Safaricom had the highest number of mobile data subscribers, clinching 68.7 percent of the market. Equitel had the least market share at 0.4 percent.

Read also: Communications Authority Wants To Bar Operators From Sending Promotional Messages After 7pm

CA also reported that the number of messages stood at 69.6 billion in the period, signifying a 5.4 percent. The growth is attributed to attractive SMS bundles offered by the operators.

Younger people are also reported to be texting more since they have been home during the pandemic.

Safaricom recorded 19.0 billion messages sent from its network in the quarter up from 15.9 billion messages reported in the third quarter.

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