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DCI Details How Suspects Spent Money After Payout In Nyeri Businessman’s Murder

32-year-old Daniel Mwangi Wang’ondu, a businessman from Wendiga village in Nyeri was brutally murdered and his body discovered at his gate in the wee hours of January 1, 2021.

The main suspect in his murder is his father, Stephen Wang’ondu Kinini who reportedly hired hitmen to kill his son as he was in love with his daughter-in-law.

Kinini and five other suspects were arraigned in court on Friday morning where the prosecution asked Nyeri Principal Magistrate Mathias Okuche for more time to complete investigations into the murder.

The other suspects are Geoffrey Waturi, Eddy Kariuki Ngari, Charity Muchiri, James Mahinda Mwangi and Raphael Wachira.

Read: Detectives Unravel Mystery Behind Gruesome Murder Of Nyeri Businessman Daniel Mwangi

New details by detectives from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) reveal how the suspects spent the money after payout.

In documents presented in court, one of the suspects, Eddy Kariuki embarked on setting up the structure after he received his payout for completing the job.

Another suspect, Raphael Wachira, is said to have bought household items and was on a mission to renovate his house.

According to the detectives, all the suspects received a total of Sh160,000 after completing the murder mission although it is unclear how the funds were divided among them.

The murdered businessman, whose body was found at his gate on January 1, 2021, was reportedly embroiled in a family feud with the father.

Read Also: Nyeri Man Accused of Hiring Hitmen to Kill Son Locked Up For More Days As 6th Suspect Arrested in Pipeline

This prompted his father to hire hitmen, and with the aid of his friend and driver, identified as Mahinda at a facilitation fee of Sh20,000 he instructed him to form a team that would execute his atrocity.

Mahinda is reported to have proceeded to Embu on December 31, 2020, where he picked his accomplices, briefed them of the plan, target, and other relevant information regarding the job they had been hired to do.

Together with his accomplices, they purchased the murder weapon at a local hardware, committed the crime and went into hiding for two months.

When Mwangi was found soaked in a pool of blood in his home, detectives failed to find the motive of the crime as nothing had been stolen from his house.

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