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DCI Mourns Death of Women’s Volleyball Team Coach Daniel Bor After Collapse in Magadi 

The Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) is mourning the death of their women’s team coach Daniel Bor. 

Constable Bor collapsed and died as he was training at the Magadi General Service Unit’s National Police College – Magadi Field Campus on Saturday, officials said.

Bor was among about 500 of other officers on training sessions and were on route march exercise when he collapsed on Saturday March 30 evening.

Police said he was rushed and attended at camp dispensary and thereafter referred to Magadi Tata hospital for further treatment but succumbed at around 7 pm while undergoing treatment.

Such deaths are common in area among trainees, officials said.

A doctor’s report said he suffered heatstroke.

The area is one of the hottest places in the country.

Heatstroke is a condition caused by your body overheating, usually as a result of prolonged exposure to or physical exertion in high temperatures.

The body was moved to the Kenyatta University morgue pending autopsy.

He was among about 513 junior officers from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) who had embarked on a crush training program that will harden them ahead of deployment.

The Director DCI Mohamed Amin, flanked by the Commandant General Service Unit Eliud Lagat and other senior officers from the DCI and GSU officiated the opening of Police Constables to Corporals and Corporals to Sergeants promotional courses for the officers of the DCI at the National Police College – Magadi Field Campus two weeks ago.

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