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DCI Officers Nab Millions Of Fake Currency, 100Kgs Of Fake Gold In Nairobi

Fake currency [PHOTO/ DCI]

Sleuths from the Directorate of Criminal investigations (DCI) have this morning recovered millions of fake US Dollars, Zambian Kwachas and over 100 kilograms of fake gold nuggets along Kiboko/Mukoma Road in Nairobi.

Four foreigners-one Congolese, two Tanzanians, one Nigerian and four Kenyans have been arrested and will be charged in court today.

Among those arrested include Ruhota Kabagale (Congolese), Manson Chogga Mtassi (Tanzanian), Chukunosho Francis Ogbuanu (Nigerian) and Konie Kalist (Tanzanian). Kenyans arrested include Boniface Mtwasi Anjere, Robert Riagah, Arthur Caleb Otieno and Michael Omondi Okengo.

Read: Detectives Bust 50Kg Of Fake Gold In Kilimani, Six People Arrested

This comes hours after DCI officers arrested six suspects with a load of fake gold in Kilimani area, Nairobi.

Last month, another bunch of suspected fake gold was recovered in a safe box at Queens Way Barclays branch, Nairobi.

Eric Adede, the owner of the safe box containingKsh2 billion suspected fake currency, has since been charged along side four other suspects.

He however denied allegations that the cash was fake, urging the police to produce it in court.

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