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DCI Summons Former Interior CS Matiang’i

The Director of Criminal Investigations (DCI) has officially summoned former Interior Cabinet Secretary Dr Fred Matiang’i.

Officer Mishack delivered the summons issued by Senior Superintendent Michael Sang to his attorney Danstan Omari at the Milimani Law Court.

Omari signed the summons after receiving it at 1:15 p.m., noting that he was served in court against his will.

According to Sang, he is looking into claims of publishing false information in violation of section 23 of the Computer Misuse and Cyber Crimes Act 2018 in relation to the alleged home invasion on February 9.

Read: Former CS Matiang’i Back in the Country After Two-week Trip to UK

He remarked, “I have grounds to believe that Matiang’i can help me in my investigations.

The former CS was supposed to present himself at the DCI headquarters along Kiambu Road a week ago but he was away on a private trip to the United Kingdom.

However, sources intimated on Sunday that Matiang’i jetted back into the country on Saturday at around 10 pm. He was received by close family and friends at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA).

Speculations were rife that he would appear at the DCI offices on Monday, but his lawyer said his client had not been properly summoned.

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