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Detectives Investigating Case In Which Equity Bank Customer Lost Sh2 Million To Fraudsters

equity bank


Detectives are looking into a case in which an Equity Bank customer lost Sh2 million.

According to the lender, the customer identified as 73 year old Faith Wanjiku was updated after an internal investigation was carried out.

“Once the matter came to our attention, we carried out internal investigations and advised the client on the outcome,” the bank management said.

Equity Bank further noted that they take seriously complaints of loss of funds, and regretted the “anxiety and inconvenience caused to our valued customer in this instance.”

Ms Wanjiku apparently had her monies siphoned in a series of transactions via the Eazzy Pay app.

A total of Sh970,000 was stolen in the following ways; Sh300,030 was sent to Vivian Jelagat Kips, Sh300,030 transfered to Anthony Babu Kaira, Sh300,030 to Kelvin Maina Mwaniki and Sh70,000 to various equity numbers.

The withdrawals were a mystery to her as she does not own a smart phone, has never registered to or subscribed to Eassy App or sought any service from them and has never lost her ATM .

Upon reporting the illegal siphoning of funds from her account she was asked to wait for investigations to be completed by the bank, while already accusing her of giving out her ATM PIN to a third party (her sister).

After a month and constant demands, they (Equity) came up with a report which they refused to share with her or give her a copy.

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