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Detectives Probing Murder of 22-year-old Maseno University Student

Detectives are investigating the murder of a 22-year-old Maseno University student.

James Omollo, a third-year student in the School of Computing and Informatics at Maseno University was found murdered and dumped in a thicket near the school.

According to the report filed by the school authorities, Omollo was attacked by unknown people while in the company of his friends. They were heading to their hostel after a night out at the local club.

Apparently, following the attack, his colleagues escaped and it was until the next morning that they realized Omollo did not make it home.

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Students together with school authorities began tracing him through his phone only to find Omollo’s body dumped in a thicket.

This has been confirmed by Kisumu police commander Alphose Peter who said investigations into the same have already commenced.

Omollo’s body reportedly had grievous injuries to the head. His body has since been transferred to Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Mortuary awaiting postmortem.

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