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Devolution PS Korir Given 30 Days to Settle Assault Case Involving Spouse

Devolution Principal Secretary (PS) Julius Korir and his estranged wife have been allowed a month to reconcile their differences before a judgment is made on whether he will be charged with domestic violence or not.

On Tuesday, Milimani chief magistrate Susan Shitubi granted Mr Korir’s lawyer, Retired Justice Nicholas Ombija, a plea to give the PS 30 days to settle the case with Ms Evelyn Chepkoech outside of court.

Ms Chepkoech admitted to her counsel that the PS contacted her in an attempt to resolve the criminal matter through an alternative dispute resolution procedure. She did not object to her husband’s plea for additional time.

Read: Devolution PS Korir Summoned For Allegedly Assaulting Pregnant Wife

The PS plans to transfer some properties to her as a condition of resolving their marital disputes, the court heard.

The DPP, through lawyer Alice Muthangani, had objected to the 30-day grace period, claiming that she had been instructed to allow the parties 14 days to reconcile.

He is accused of committing the crime on September 17, 2020, on Ndalat Road, Karen in Nairobi. Court documents show that his wife reported the assault incident to Hardy Police Station in Karen on November 20, 2018, under OB 40/20/11/2018.

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A medical examination report dated November 20, 2018, revealed that Evelyn, who was pregnant at the time, had bruises in her abdomen, forearm, and legs.

She also had thorax and abdomen injuries, according to a P3 form signed by the police surgeon at the police headquarters.

Korir petitioned the High Court last year to stop his prosecution, but Justice Anthony Mrima dismissed the petition in November 2021 on grounds that the State was correct in charging him with assault and injuring an expectant Evelyn Koech.

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He wanted the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) and the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) blocked from arresting and prosecuting him in connection with the crime, claiming that it was illegal, in bad faith, and an infringement on his constitutional rights.

He and his wife did not appear in court on Tuesday.

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