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Did Senior Siaya Politician Sponsor Coast Mps To Denounce NASA House List?

A senior NASA politician from Siaya is reported to have sponsored Coast Mps to denounce the NASA house list for Minority leader and whip respectively.

A source privy to the details told Kahawa Tungu that the politician was eyeing the Minority Senate leader but knew he could not get it if the National assembly already had leaders from Nyanza region who also hold positions in ODM.

NASA had picked Suba MP John Mbadi (ODM Chair) as Minority leader and Suna East MP (ODM Director of Elections) Junnet Mohamed as Chief Minority Whip sparking disquiet in the Opposition with a section of legislators threatening to ditch the coalition. The two come from Nyanza region.

The Minority leader in the Senate went to Bungoma Senator Moses Wetangula, a position the Siaya legislator was eyeing.

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Irked that he could not get the position since the national assembly already had the two positions gone to ODM and one region, he allegedly sponsored the Coast Mps and others to paint a picture of disquiet in order to put pressure on the coalition leaders -read- Raila Odinga to recall the list.

“Jakom (Raila) almost recalled the list when pressure mounted and it took the intervention of Senior lieutenants in ODM to convince him that recalling the list would make the party look like a joke,” he said.

His argument was that the minority chief whip given to Mohamed should have gone to a Coast MP, another region so that he gets the position of Minority leader in the Senate.

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