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DJ Brownskin Shared Video of Wife Ingesting Poisonous Substance with Lover Living Abroad – DCI

Disc jockey Brownskin shared a video of his late wife, Sharon Njeri, ingesting a poisonous substance with his lover, the DCI has said.

In a statement on Sunday, the DCI said the deejay who is legally known as Michael Macharia, shared the video with a girlfriend living abroad.

The unidentified girlfriend is said to have gone public with the said video through a blogger.

“Detectives have since established that after recording the ordeal, the suspect sent the video to his other girlfriend living abroad, before the girlfriend went public with the information through the blogger,” said DCI.

DJ Brownskin was arrested on Thursday night after allegedly ignoring summonses from the police.

“Efforts to summon the suspect to shed more light into the incident proved futile, as he remained elusive prompting detectives to launch a manhunt leading to his arrest on Madaraka Day, moments past midnight,” added the DCI.

He is currently being held at the Kasarani Police Station as the police piece together evidence against him.

He is set to be charged with the offence of aiding suicide and failing to prevent the same contrary to Section 225 (C) of the Penal Code.

Read: DJ Brownskin Arrested in Connection with Wife’s Death

Njeri is said to have died between July 29 and 30, last year.

The video only came out nine months after her burial.

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