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DJ Mo Kicks “Clout Chaser” Ringtone Out of Size 8’s Album Launch (Video)

Gospel singer Alex Apoko alias Ringtone and Samuel Muraya aka DJ Mo almost came to blows on Sunday after the former gatecrashed the latter’s wife’s event.

Ringtone is said to have showed up at Size 8’s album launch at the Panari Hotel unannounced.

Drama started when Ringtone walked to the podium during a dedication session by “men of the cloth”. Size 8 said she did not recognize Ringtone as one of them.

An irate Backslide crooner stormed off the stage and addressed the media. He expressed his displeasure with Size 8 for demeaning him in front of the album launch attendees.

Read: Tanzanian Actress Kajala Warns Ringtone Against Texting Her, Daughter

“I went to the stage and Size 8 chased me away. We also have an anointing to dedicate her album. I want to tell Size 8, I have an anointing that has sustained me this long. It is not vaseline or kerosine, what I have had for all those years is the anointing of God,” Ringtone told reporters.

“I wanted to give her Ksh 200,000, this launch is not like for the other artiste launches it is a big a deal. Size 8 has not shown me the respect I deserve, DJ Mo did not chase me out. I’m a servant of God, I’m not someone you can throw out of the stage. God’s finger is on me, I’m an anointed. Those pastors don’t even help us get to where we should be, yet they are elevated above everyone else.”

DJ Mo later walked up to Ringtone and stopped him from addressing the media further. The matter escalated after the crooner declined to leave the hotel.

It took the intervention of Mo’s friends to get the matter under control.

Read Also: Ringtone On The Verge Of Losing “Grabbed” Runda Home As Owners Come Knocking

Speaking to Mpasho, the former CrossOver 101 host referred to Ringtone as a “clout chaser” who knows no bounds.

“It is just that I am saved otherwise, it would have been worse. These things are always there but it is not good to chase clout at people’s events,” he told the blog.

“It can’t be all about clout from the same person. Choose where to chase your clout and choose the right time to do your nonsense. My wife is on stage and you have called the media out here to speak nonsense, it would have been worse and it is a warning and if he repeats the same thing, next time it is going to be worse.”

He did, however, note that should Ringtone apologize he will forgive him.

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