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DP Ruto Under Fire For Quoting Yet Another Non-existent Bible Verse

During an interview with NTV on Sunday night, Deputy President William Ruto boldly quoted a nonexistent Bible verse.

Ruto referenced the scripture while recounting the story of Jesus’ followers asking him what he had in store for them now that they had left their lives behind and followed him.

“Let me tell you Joe, even Jesus Christ, I know you are a good Christian, in Matthew I think 17:29, his disciples when they were following him asked him we have left our families and business since we used to be businessmen and come to follow you. What is in it for us?” Ruto stated.

There are only 27 verses in Matthew Chapter 17, which prompted the question of which scripture DP Ruto intended to quote.

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It became clear that there was a little misunderstanding when the second in command attempted to reference Matthew 19:27, which reads: “Peter answered him, “We have left everything to follow you! What then will there be for us?”

The non-existent verse elicited reactions on social media with Kitui Governor Charity Ngilu making fun of the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) presidential candidate.

“Mathew Chapter 17 ends at verse 27. Praise the Lord,” she tweeted.

Also weighing in on the matter was Raila Odinga Junior who wondered where one can find the verse quoted by the presidential hopeful.

“Mathew 17 ends at verse 27, where is 29 or I’m I wrong?” he posed.

Here are some of the reactions:

In 2019, while hitting at trade unionist Francis Atwoli, the DP quoted Matthew 6:35, which is not in the Bible.

He was referring to Matthew 6:33, which states: “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

Again, during the National Prayer Breakfast held at the Safari Park Hotel in May, the presidential hopeful wrongly quoted Isaiah 1:18.

The verse in question was in fact from the Book of Romans, Chapter 3 verse 23.

Read Also: DP Ruto Blasts “Biased” Citizen TV As IEBC Clears Him to Contend for Presidency

“I may have fallen short of expectations of my boss and my good friend. I ask for forgiveness…Many people have also hurt me, I forgive them…We are all human beings and the Bible says in Isaiah 1:18: We have fallen short…” said Ruto.

Last year, the DP expressed his desire to become an evangelist once he is done with politics.

“Many politicians don’t know how to behave in church because they are not Christians,” he said.

“I will later request that I speak to the man in charge of mission at this church so that I can support the work of God.”

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