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DPP, DCI Recall Assa Nyakundi Case Over Weak Manslaughter Charge

The office of the Directorate of Criminal investigation as well as the office of the Directorate of public prosecution have recalled the manslaughter charges leveled against lawyer Assa Nyakundi stating that the investigations were bungled

DCI Kinoti said that he was not aware of that charges that were leveled against the lawyer who allegedly killed his son .

“This is one of those cases I was not briefed at all by my officers. I only heard of the manslaughter charge from the media,” Kinoti said.

Senior officers from the office of the DPP  are also being accused of presenting a weak manslaughter  charge against the lawyer who had been hospitalized for more than five weeks  after the death of his son whom he said was an accident.

The lawyer who admitted to shooting his son is expected to take a plea at Kiambu Law Courts before moving to Makadara Law Courts.

He was arraigned in court on Friday after he was discharged from Nairobi Hospital where he had been receiving treatment for a high blood pressure complication.

Nyakundi shot his son Joseph Nyakundi on March 17, on their way home from church.

Joseph was later pronounced dead on arrival at the Aga Khan hospital.

According to the a statement recorded, Nyakundi is said to have fired the shot accidentally from inside the car.

Read: Lawyer Assa Nyakundi Discharged From Nairobi Hospital, To Appear In Court

However, investigations by the DCI divulged that the shot was fired from outside the car.

Speaking to Nation, Nyakundi asserted that going to prison could never be likened to him losing his son.

He also maintained that the shooting was an accident contrary to an autopsy report that showed that the deceased was shot from outside following an altercation.

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